Vibrator with IC flare
I’m going through a terrible period flare at the moment and the only thing is getting me through is using a wand vibrator on my urethra, does anyone else use this method?
I don’t know if it’s the vibration that’s help with the muscles, somtimes or orgasm and that instantly helps massively but then after it goes back to stinging / itching again
(Sorry for being so graphic)
I’m just in so much pain at the moment in my urethra and lower stomach
Does anyone know how much to drink during a flare? Someone told me to drink loads around 5 litre and someone else told me to drink 1-2 throughout the course of the day
Any tips I would appreciate so much
I have work tomorrow and I’m dreading it so much wish I wasn’t here any more it’s like living in pure hell I’d rather be dead than carry on like this sorry to be so depressing