You guys are all ridicolous

Sort by winrate

Stop talking about her going to get nerfed, she’s barely “good” for riots own standards. Sort this by winrate and on the way to Irelia you will find a 53.5% winrate Riven, 52.8% winrate Camille, 52.7% gangplank, 52.4% Gwen, 52.4% Renekton all high skill super high winrate champions. And many braindead champs above her at winrates like 53-54%.

Before someone mentions they’re not normalized, I know but apparently no one here understands that. Saw a comment with 20+ upvotes of “Irelia is on 52% winrate” smh. Yh she’s on 52% in this list, look at almost every champion being above that.

The people below Irelia are all champs out of meta right now. She’s mid at best