Enjoyment and identity

Does anyone actually enjoy Irelia falling off a cliff at a certain point in the game?

Then I went and looked at all the 4 horsewomen of top and Gwen riven fiora and Camille, all 4 had a good if not amazing 35+ min game winrate. Even riven, who’s supposed to be snowbally too. With 100,000+ games of data for this patch. See for yourself.


I just don’t see the benefit of being an early game champ who has to give up lane prio to every top laner and mage. At least riven can 1v1 Darius at level 1 with ignite and win if played correctly. Lane bullies who spike at mid game like Darius and sett, don’t fall off like a cliff either. They just ARE Darius and Sett the whole way through. They don’t just stop being a champ. Again, see for yourself.



Darius is 51% and sett is 52% 40+ min games. Darius’ weakest point is 25-30 min and sett’s is 30-35 min.

This doesn’t even have to mean anything significant, all I’m saying is other champs do their thing throughout the whole game and if you don’t snowball, you still have a pretty good chance of making a play and then winning. Darius and sett are THE lane bullies of top and even they can win 35+ min games with good win rates if they play it right, they don’t HAVE to end the game at 25 mins, it’s just Irelia having a ticking time bomb is really frustrating. A million reasons can lead to a 30 mins game, and if you look at Irelia’s impact post 25 mins, it’s just kinda garbage. Why can’t Irelia just be Irelia the whole way through, Irelia isn’t even a lane bully like Darius, she gets bullied by everyone. I just don’t get this design.