Hullbreaker into Rageblade

I was testing some different setups and found that rageblade causes hullbreaker to stack faster. Is taking LT and going botrk -> hullbreaker -> rageblade bait? I know that Conqueror is generally better than LT, but this item sequence feels strong at every buy and seems like it would be a strong snowball build.


Played three games. Went same runes every time: Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Alacrity, Last Stand | Overgrowth and demolish. AS shard and double scaling HP. Overall felt trickier to play because lack of Conq healing meant dives and 1v2 margins were slimmer but damage felt much higher and was able to trade surprise kills because of it. I think this build has a place in games where the enemy team has a better teamfight comp and your wincon is map pressure.

game 1 - Win - top against ornn - got early lead and was able to walk ornn down in sidelanes, giving me lots of pressure in lane but struggled to do much if enemy jungle was present. Gave up fighting and was able to split and develop XP and gold lead, used that to win one teamfight and end.

game 2 - Win - mid against sylas - sylas got an early double kill but I was able to retake lead with farm and duels. once I had hullbreaker, I focused on splitpushing. Was able to take almost all three lanes solo and enemy team couldn't react fast enough to stop me. Used lead to teamfight and win.

game 3 - Loss - mid against garen - Garen had ignite and the matchup felt almost impossible. Outdamaged me at most stages of the game and R bypasses W. Focused on farm and picking up stragglers from other skirmishes. Top DCd and jungle AFKd because of it but was still able to trade 1-2 kills in fights due to damage. Felt like would've been a guaranteed W if it wasn't literally 3v5.