Thoughts on 50501
When folks complained about holding protests on the weekday, I thought hey they're just getting started. When folks complained that not everyone has president's day off, it still made since to target the date for symbolism.
But now they seem to be completely bungling responding to Musks attack on them. We're gonna be divided and conquered. A very common dividing line is who is willing to use force to resist and who isn't. I get that, and we all have to make that decision. I understand 50501 has explicitly called for peaceful protests.
But when an oligarch targets your allies, you don't side with oligarch. You have solidarity with your allies. That's how we prevent dividing and conquering.
The 50501 movement is becoming about less being explicitly peaceful to delay any violent repression and more about being implicitly harmless and possibly just a vehicle for us to waste our time and energy.