[Waybound] What do you think would have happened if
What do you think would have happened if Eithan trained Yerin during the UKT instead of the Ice Sage and Heart Sage? Assuming she received all the same gifts of course. I want to believe that Eithan would have done a far better job of training her. I think he would have been far better at helping her recognize her Overlord revelation. He was the one who got her on the path of the Sword Icon in the first place so I think he would have gotten her all the way there. He also didn't have a bias towards hating Ruby which means he would have helped her leverage that in some way instead of suppressing Ruby's growth. Do I think he would have pushed her to become a Herald early? Probably not, but he did show her Red Faiths memories so he knows the theory...
Also, Min Shui is just not a great teacher. I think she slowed Yerin down.