Games with great party members or characters

I mainly play Jrpgs for the characters I love seeing characters grow and progress with the story I also love seeing the playable character interact with them and forge relationships either romantically or just in general.

I have access to Pc and Nintendo switch

Here are some Jrpgs I’ve played where I loved the characters in them. And some characters I enjoyed

Persona 3,4,5 ( I liked Mitsuru, Rise, Yusuke) The trails of series up to cold steel 2 (Oliver, Sara,Rixia) Metaphor refantazio (Hulkenberg, Strohl) Final fantasy 7 and the first remake of it (Yuffie, Tifa, Barret) Xenoblade 2 and 3 ( I really enjoyed almost all the main party members in 3 and I really liked the romance between Noah and Mio)

Any recommendations are welcome also feel free to list some of your favorite Jrpg characters :)