All Jabalpur Programmers: Let’s Build a Thriving Remote Freelance Community

Hey everyone, I'm 21 and currently pursuing my MCA. I have about 4 years of coding experience, with 1.5 years of work under my belt. Since I started working, I’ve struggled to find time for my side projects, which leaves me feeling a bit behind in this fast-changing tech world. I’m sure many of us face the same issue.

I'm working on building my personal brand and portfolio, and I want to form a team of like-minded people from Jabalpur (or working from home in Jabalpur) to help each other out and stay on track.

I've managed some clients before, but finding new projects is still a challenge for me. We need someone who can take the lead on hunting for clients and projects. With some discipline and teamwork, I believe we can all land great opportunities.

I’m posting here because I’ve been following this subreddit for over 3 years. I expected it to be more tech-focused, but it often feels like my Instagram feed. Still, I know there are some like-minded folks here who are interested in side gigs.

Let’s create a WhatsApp group to share our progress, discuss challenges, and keep each other motivated. If you're a programmer, designer, or tech enthusiast from Jabalpur (or working from home here) and want to join, please comment below or send me a message for the group link. Also, if anyone wants a tech transformation for their business, feel free to contact me directly.

Let's build this community and grow together!