LeSs PeOpLe VoTeD tHiS yEaR

It's hilarious how "less people voted this year" is the most recent leftist COPE, when last week they were touting how this is ThE mOsT iMpOrTaNt eLeCtIoN iN hIsToRy because OuR DeMoCrAcY. It's almost like the most questionable election in history was too obvious so they had to tone it down on this one 🙂

It's hilarious how "less people voted this year" is the most recent leftist COPE, when last week they were touting how this is ThE mOsT iMpOrTaNt eLeCtIoN iN hIsToRy because OuR DeMoCrAcY. It's almost like the most questionable election in history was too obvious so they had to tone it down on this one 🙂