How do you do it ?

I came to journaling and digital note-taking because I couldn't get out of my notebooks!

And yet I love notebooks, the sensual feel of pen on paper, flipping through the pages - I love it and I miss it!

But how can I do that when - the easy solution - everything is on my iPhone? The notebook, the pen, the camera, the map and so on.

When I was a journalist, I always had a pocket-sized notebook with me for my reports. But also a diary (pocket size) and a notebook (A5) - half diary half place book - often doubled by another small notebook when I couldn't take the big one with me 🤪

I kept mixing notebooks, getting lost in them... so much so that I decided to have just one notebook where I wrote down everything, without distinction or classification, day by day. A Moleskine Pocket, with white pages and soft covers. I used dozens of them, which unfortunately disappeared when I moved house 😔

And then the iPhone came along and replaced that little Moleskine, with the added bonus of images (photos) and sound (music)... I even read my books in it (although I love the smell and feel of pages crinkling). I've had thousands of notes, illustrated with just as many photos, in Day One for 12 years, and I feel like I'm addicted to it!

Today, the iPhone is in my pocket, plus the Moleskine... it's very practical, but I miss the pleasure of writing, leafing through, the physical contact... I'm trying to get back to it, but I just can't manage it.

And you , How do you manage?