If you found out you actually weren't Jewish, would you convert?

I recently heard from a friend who heard from a friend who's friend from Yeshiva discovered that his grandma on his mum's side actually isn't Jewish, making him not Jewish (according to the orthodox definition), he then chose to not convert and remain a goy.

This got me thinking on what I'd do if I'd chas vechalila discovered I'm actually not Jewish. On the one hand, I was raised Jewish, I love Judaism and the traditions and culture around it. On the other hand, conversation isn't encouraged, and having only 7 commandments is significantly easier than 316 (edit: 613, brain unavailable today).

So, what would you do if you found out you actually weren't Jewish?

P.s. I am approaching this from an orthodox point of view where Judaism is defined by the mother, but I'd love to hear the opinions of people from other sects as well:)