Puberty and OCD
Did anyone else (male or female) go through puberty and struggle to cope/and/or get obsessed with the changes in your body?
I remember turning 12 and I had my first wet dream. Previously, I had tried to do the “deed” orgam before, but it never worked. I remember feeling really defective and shameful about it, until I had that dream and woke up. For some reason, I felt like I had to share it with my friend. I literally sent her a photo of it. This is kind of personal and it’s really shameful for me to say, but I felt really happy that I could do it after all.
Anyway, fast forward about a week and I began researching all things relating to puberty, joined the r/puberty subreddit, and became obsessed with my pen15 size.
Being 12, my mom still woke me up for school. I often would awaken with morning wood and she would just stare at me before waking me up (sometimes I was half awake) but this made me feel really uncomfortable. I don’t know if it was anything sexual as much as a lack of boundaries and personal space, it just made me feel uneasy.
I also was being sexually coerced at this time by my female friend who’s now 19 and has a baby (not mine). I’m also gay, and this was really confusing for me as I was trying to figure out my sexuality. And I started actually liking it for some reason. Idk, maybe it was the attention she gave me, but I just know that she had new boyfriends every week, and they were all older, I knew their “thing” was bigger.
I probably measured my p3n!s religiously for about 2 years. Once or twice a day, sometimes 3 or 4. I just felt like it was the only thing that would make me worthy enough to be able to get with the girl who was abusing me as I was very small and still had a baby voice.
Has anyone had a similar experience? Which archetype relates to OCD? Is there also an archetype that relates to sexual abuse? Thanks for reading this far if you have gotten to this point.