Low elo junglers are unpredictable
Is it just me or low elo junglers are so unpredictable?? And I’m not even talking about mine, I’m talking about enemy jgl. Even with information on camps etc etc.
Sometimes, I don’t even understand what’s happening. Like drake is up, enemy jungler ganks bot, I go to grubs, enemy jungler gank successful and my botlane is dead, I’m chilling doing the grubs while they have no vision whatsoever and somehow enemy jungler is here then I die because I’m low. But Drake is still up, huh!?!? Same thing if I was playing botlane, Drake is up, me and my adc dies from enemy gank, I spawn after 20 seconds, I check drake and somehow Drake is peacefully sleeping in the pit.
Or if I’m laning, I win my lane, proxy my enemy laner to deny him minions/plates, predict where enemy jungler is and know he has no business at toplane whatsoever so I proxy further until he’s about to spawn and somehow enemy jgl is here trying to kill me and then I win anyways cuz I’m fed. But like what!? Why are you even here!?!?
I just had vision of enemy jgl path towards the opposite side so why tf are they even here!? Even if I somehow remove the fog of war for 1 second, they’ll still be doing smth completely different than what I expect after knowing where they are.