Rebirth Recap

Before Dominion released, Frank Marshall said that there would be more movies. January 22, 2024 it was officially announced that a new movie was happening and it was written by David Koepp was was releasing in June 2025. A little later the release date was announced as July 2. Then there was announced that David Leitch was going to be the director but that fell through and Gareth Edwards was confirmed. Rumors came up of filming in Hawaii. Also rumors of the movie returning to the island and would feature human dinosaur hybrids. Then rumors and confirmation of actors started happening and filming locations were confirmed for Thailand and Malta film studios. We got a lot of filming location images from Reel News Hawaii and a few from Frank Marshall. There was a video of the boat. A lot of rumors and then finally we got the title confirm and some images and interviews. Anything I’m missing?