Champ can kill people, but what does it matter anymore?
Everyone here. Raise your hand if you picked K'Sante because of his insane combos, skill celling and standing out as one of the few toplaners who werent afk stat check.
Now everyone raise your hand if you've picked ksante for his true damage on W, little investment and 50/50 win or die gambling simulator
no one?
didn't think so
Today I stat checked an ignite riven level 1 with just my Q's and grasp abuse. I killed her with zero interference and although it felt nice, for a time but what we've lost to be in this state just fucken hurts.
I miss landing EQ3W on a darius but dying cause I didn't hold it for that extra second.
I miss landing flash W EQ3R into my tower
I miss all the combos and skill checks this champion had, and how brutally you got punished for making even the smallest mistake.
You screwed your alclove insec by literal pixels? thats a garen QigniteR for you buddy
You're 16/2 and just landed a perfect E flash WQ3? you deserve that 3man engage insec
I dont even care if my champ is "healthy" by phreak standards now (cough vayne, bork, garen, cough skillshots)
Almost every reason why you would want to play ksante on release is gone now.
I'm sad.