Season 3 theoretical featured arcs breakdown

For sure season 3 will also having 12 episodes. And knowing TMS they cut some content and fit some multiple chapters into one episode (episode 1). So my guess episodes for season 3 will be:

Movie arc (planning, Chizuru introduce Sumi and story about Kazuya to Sayuri up to the premiere): 5 episodes. Hope they do justice on Chizuru's laugh thinking about Kazuya's misadventures during the movie shoot.

Umi getting the L "I don't not like him": 1 episode (honestly my favorite episode)

"Date" with Ruka: 1 episode

Sayuri's death 😭: 1 episode

Sumi appearance: 1 episode

Cheer up date: 1 episode

Saizereya: 1 episode

Tiger's den/transition to Paradise arc: 1 episode

Just a wild guess based on how they featured the 1st arcs in seasons one and two of the anime