Let's have that conversation guys
As we can see around the world, shit is hitting the fan in many places. But then I asked myself, do Africans really have standing militaries that can detur any form of aggression by outsiders?
We have countries that have barrages of rockets and missiles in their arsenal ready to use it if they wanted to. If tables were to turn which is possible according to history. How are we gonna stop such countries?
We have countries with high military budgets like S.A, Egypt, or Algeria. But those are just a handful and they can only handle so much before being overwhelmed eventually and it's definitely not a reflection of the rest of the African countries militaries.
If let's say by some plot twist, a country decides to rain it missiles on Kenya. How are we gonna stop that?
Are we just gonna let it happen and be helpless?
While the world is going to shit and they haven't found a good enough reason to mess with us, why don't we also use the time of peace to also invest in our bright minds to develop technologies that will ensure our survival, earn respect from other nations and keep us safe or at least detur people with evil intentions?
I know we have pressing issues like asshole leaders and corruption but even those leaders won't be spared as well when shit hits the fan. We should all be thinking about also investing in our protection and not just depend on the outside world to protect us.
Africans should develop a common force made up of all the countries and can protect our seas, air and ground. Or else we're totally fucked. I know some will say African union but we all know AU is a joke. We don't have any deturant of any kind. And it's about time we all get fucked with.