What is wrong with kenyans as a whole?

What's really going on in kenya? It's like kenyans have stopped being creative all together.When the average kenyan gets money,its seems our only focus is generic clubs,hotels and quivers no thought of tech hubs or even schools,look at the type of films we produce,zero creativity,our podcasts and radio stations are all dominated by sexual topics,our tv channels are saturated with pastors and gambling scams.

Even on this sub,all i ever see people discussing about is sex and relationships,like huna ata kitabu ulisoma you share some knowledge?

Meanwhile there is so much happening globally and in our country,technological advancements for example and other critical issues,but we hardly talk about them.We should be diving more into discussions on science,philosophy or innovation,we blame the government but the average kenyan isn't pushing for innovation either.

On a serious note the average kenyan is dumb,i saw a tweep post a simple BODMAS math on KOX and half of the tweeps actually got it wrong,like imagine if we started discussing more educational topics