The Lackless box is made out of the Cthaeh

Pretty much what it says in the title lol. A friend and I were discussing the books and we ended up on the Lackless box. When Kvothe smells the wood and describes the smell we had a bit of a 'holy shit!' moment because the tree the Cthaeh is in has a similar smell and he recognises the smell as familiar:

Ch 139, p 915: 'What's more, it seemed to be a spicewood... I lowered my face to its surface and breathed in deeply through my nose, something almost like lemon. It was maddeningly familiar.'

Ch 104, p 677: 'As the leaves stirred I smelled a strange, sweet smell. It was like smoke and spice and leather and lemon.'


Ch 139, p 916: 'What's inside it?... Something metal, by the way the weight shifts when I tilt it'

The wood encases the metal box Jax used to trap the moon's name. Perhaps the tree simply grew around the box and then was carved back to look like a box. It would explain how it just looks like a solid piece of wood. However, Kvothe then says it could be something made of glass or stone. He could be mistaken, or it's the sound of the moon's name? Or it's the stone flute Jax uses to make the moon come to him?

Now to the best of my knowledge, the Cthaeh is the being trapped inside the tree and the tree/wood is what is stopping it from going out and wreaking havoc on the world. So it must be a very powerful, and probably magical type of wood. What ever is inside the box is something no-one wants to let out, either because it's dangerous or precious or both.