Missing out on experiences in LDR

Recently I've been feeling like I'm missing out on so much. I have been in a relationship with my partner for a year and a half so far, and we've known each other for two and a half. I don't know if it is that much, but we are both sixteen so it is quite a chunk of our lives really, especially that none of us were in more serious king term relationships before. They have helped me through a lot, and I helped them too, I don't want to write too much, but I had EDs and not a single person to talk to when we met, and they were bullied, so it's kind of self explanatory that we were support for each other. I really care about them and appreciate everything they have done for me, I find them so beautiful and love the little gifts and gestures, and how they helped me with discovering myself as a person, but I've been feeling kind of unsatisfied lately. I mean all the experiences we could have - the dates, the kisses, the cuddles, the closeness and warmth, the intimacy, everything. We meet rarely, last time I saw them was in the end of September, when they came over since Wednesday till Saturday. We can't really meet much often, as both our parents are homophobic (we're lesbian) and theirs are also heavily religious, adventist. We theoretically don't live that far, compared to some other couples, but 300kms is still a lot, as we won't be able to get a car/license for the nearest two years at least, we can't afford train tickets, and even if we could, once again - parents. Our parents have actually already suspected us for having a relationship before, and mine are more strict about school and my room than theirs, so that doesn't make it easier. My mother loves using my "friend" as a prize that's to be won, for example if my attendance isn't as high as she wishes, mainly because of my mental health, especially last school year. And for context, my attendance is still like 70-80%, which I really don't think is that bad? In the end, I'm just not sure about what to do. We usually meet like every two months if anything, and each day I wish for them to just be here. I don't want other people to fill their place and my needs, but I feel I really need that closeness, especially that they're pretty much the only close person I really have, one who I can trust and shared many experiences with already. I tried talking to them about it, but it honestly just got some new aspects involved, about how they wouldn't mind being a "filler" till i happen to find the person who's "right" for me, (except a) I think they're the one right b) i think it's a really awful way to look at it, I mean, why'd you be a filler? They explain that with the way they just want me to be happy, but I'd feel so bad just leaving them like that after finding someone "better"). In summary, I do know I love them, and we even have plans for the future, like moving to a different country, kids and their names, moving in together, maybe a camper to be able to just drive around? But I don't know wether I can keep doing this for the next two years. Sorry if this is chaotic, I'm emotional, sixteen and English isn't even my first language.