2024 Tour Buy/Trade/Sell Thread
2024 Tour Buy/Trade/Sell Thread - Trying the whole tour in one post to save having to post a new thread every month. If it get's too full I'll make a new post another time.
Use this thread to buy/sell/trade concert tickets and merch! All posts made regarding selling, trading and requesting stuff outside of this post will be removed.
1. is not responsible for any issues with transactions. The sub recommends using PayPal Goods and Services, or any other insured method, to avoid being scammed.
2. Scamming is common, so use your best judgement. If anybody on this page is being suspicious or you have an accusation of scamming, please bring this up with the mod(s).
Here are some tips when buying tickets from somebody through our pinned post:
- A. Verify the authenticity of the tickets. Get confirmation emails, credit card confirmations, and/or screenshots of the tickets in the seller’s wallet/account.
- B. Get ID’s/confirmation of identity if the situation seems strange.
- C. Use PayPal Goods & Services or an insured payment method (I believe Venmo also offers this type of payment method now). You need to be able to get your money refunded if the tickets are not delivered. Do not make exceptions for this.
3. Price gouging is prohibited. You can sell on this platform for a profit, but please do not make your upsale excessive. We are here to enjoy the band, and that goes above your profits.