Can I renew my provisional license if I’m medically unfit to drive ?

Hi 👋🏼 I don’t know if this is the right r/ to post this on but any answers would be appreciated. I applied for my provisional as soon as I turned 17 and started learning, unfortunately around a year later my epilepsy relapsed (after being nearly 10 years seizure free) so I had to stop the lessons. Since then I haven’t gone long enough without a seizure to be medically fit to drive again.

I’m turning 27 soon so my provisional will run out. I have no interest in learning to drive again anyway so I won’t be renewing it for that reason, but I currently use my provisional as photo ID. A few months ago an epileptic colleague told me it is illegal to do this and I should have given it back to the DVLA once my seizures started again ? However I can’t find any information online which states such. The only information I can find says you need to give your full license back, which I obviously don’t have. Alongside the epilepsy my panic disorder causes dissociation, and my Psychiatrist told me I would need to inform the DVLA about this if I had a full license, he said I didn’t need to return my provisional so I thought it would be the same for the epilepsy.

I just wanted to know if I will get in trouble for applying for a new provisional ? Despite almost being 27, I get ID’d almost everywhere I go; for scratch cards, energy drinks, Paracetamol, etc…and I don’t want to have to carry my passport with me whenever I go to the shop or go out for social events. Although I don’t drink alcohol and stick to OJ, when I’ve gone clubbing for friend’s birthdays I have still had to show ID to get in (standard procedure I think which is fair enough) and a club is probably the riskiest place to bring an £80 passport… I have a few flights booked so I’m scared of losing it 😬

As far as I know a passport is the only other form of photo ID accepted in England - correct me if I’m wrong as if there is another form of photo ID then I won’t need another provisional…

TIA :)