If your a nervous driver check this out !

P.s not a promo its help for nervous drivers

Hey everyone,

If you’re a nervous driver or know someone who struggles with anxiety while driving, I’ve just come across something really helpful on the DVSA app that I had to share. It’s a resource called the Nervous Drivers Calming Kit, and it’s designed specifically to help manage driving nerves.

Here’s the link: https://confident-drivers.newzenler.com/courses/nervous-drivers-calming-kit?affiliate=hQKczN

Nervous Drivers Calming Kit.

What’s it About?

This kit offers practical tools and techniques to help nervous drivers feel calmer and more confident behind the wheel. From what I’ve seen, it includes: • Breathing exercises. • Guided relaxation techniques. • Tips to overcome specific driving fears (like roundabouts, speed, or heavy traffic). • Short and easy-to-follow videos.

How to Access It?

It’s a paid resource, but honestly, if you’re struggling with driving nerves, it might be worth considering. Everything is digital, so you can access it anytime, whether at home or even just before a driving lesson.

Why I Recommend It

I know how overwhelming driving nerves can be, especially if you’re preparing for a test or just trying to get comfortable on the road. This kit focuses on calming strategies that could make a real difference. It’s linked through the DVSA app, so it’s coming from a trusted place aimed at learner drivers or anyone looking to improve their confidence.

If you’ve tried it or are thinking of giving it a go, let me know how you find it!

Happy (and calm) driving! 🚗