How did you realise that you were a lesbian?
I started out thinking of myself as straight back in high school, when I started crushing and on a friend who was a girl but then realised that wasn’t the case so I came out as bi.
It was only recently that I went on dates and stuff (I’m 23).I recently lost my virginity to a man and it made me realise that damn maybe this isn’t what I want, but I am still not sure maybe it was just bad sex.
But then again when I imagine myself in a romantic relationship it’s always with a woman, I really struggle to see myself with a man. I only saw men in a sexual way and my real life experiences with men have kind of made me stop thinking of men that way.
I think that contrary to what I thought I may not be attracted to men at all, it’s just what I thought I should be attracted to due to upbringing. I want to think about it a little more before coming out again and being like surprise I’m a lesbian. I don’t want to be wrong if that makes sense. Any advice or suggestions welcome.