Was it assault?
Please help me Okay so I have a hard time to see this objectively and I handled it badly in the beginning so I just want some help and want to know if I'm overreacting/overthinking. Sorry if this gets confusing, english isn’t my first language. I (then 19f) was maybe assaulted (idk what to call it otherwise) by a girl (then 18f) a year ago. I’m more masculine presenting, a bit taller and a bit more muscular than her. She had a few months prior expressed interest in me but I told her that it wasn’t reciprocated and we continued being friends. I was going through a really rough patch during that time (which amongst other things led to me drinking too much) and had a devastating family emergency that same day. I was in a different part of the country than the rest of my family so I went to her home where a few friends were already meeting up for different reasons. They tried to support me and we drank quite a lot (although mostly they gave me alcohol). As the night went on I cried a bit and we played some drinking games and after a while the rest of my friends went home and it was only me and her left. We continued playing and she started to flirt with me and I quite obviously turned her down. One example is how we during quite a short time moved about 3 meters because she moved towards me and I scooted away, again and again and again. Because I got uncomfortable and that she tried to touch me as well. It ended with me having moved all the way against the wall and she still not taking the hint. It was stupid of me to not have gone home by this point but it was too late for buses and I really wanted to avoid having to take a cab. So I got fed up and decided to get it over with and slept with her. Although I was very uncomfortable and just stood up and left in the middle of it. It might be an unusual solution to being pressured, but I really didn’t know what else to do and was in an incredibly self destructive mood (she knew about that).
As we knew each other through a very progressive (although predominantly straight) organization I talked to them the day after, but I couldn’t really decide what to do about it so I told them to drop it, after all I was quite preoccupied with previously mentioned family emergency. I wasn’t in a mind space to handle everything and I have a tendency to joke about traumatic things so that’s basically what I did about it. I tried to laugh at it and deflect if people got concerned. It worked for a while and I haven’t thought that much about it as the months after were the absolute worst time of my life but things have happened where my feelings about it has resurfaced. I really don’t know what to do. Because of how I handled it she is fully accepted by our friend groups (that usually acts on stuff like this) and no one sees a problem with it and I don’t know how to bring it up after so long so I have simply disappeared myself to avoid her.
I want to ask here because almost all other perspectives I have gotten are from straight people, and I feel like people don’t see it as seriously because we both are lesbians and I am older, bigger and more masculine. I really don’t know what is reasonable and what I should call what happened. When I gave in I was an active part in it so I feel like I can’t blame her, but I also know that I never would’ve done it had I gotten a choice. And I was absolutely hammered at that point. But I still could have left.
I might have forgotten something but please help, I'll be so thankful for any answer at all
ps. I’m doing much better mentally now than a year ago, but I can’t seem to let this go. But now I’m gonna go study and drink some wine and hope that anyone reads this