I am afraid of death.

As the title says, I'm scared of death. Hopefully, I placed this under the right community. I don't use Reddit often, so.

I'm newly 18 years old & a female. I have so much I want to do with my future but I am terrified of the factor of death. I know that in the end, everything & everyone dies. I guess I could say that it isn't exactly death I am afraid of but more so how, when & where it will happen. Like, will I get into an accident, will it be due to sickness, or I get captured, etc? There are times when I don't think so far into the future & enjoy the present moment while on the other end, there are these endless thoughts of "What ifs "with the idea of death & so on.

Does anybody else have this same type of view of death? If so, please can you tell me how it affects you or if you've overcome this feeling.