Kathrin Zenkina and Manifestation Babe Academy: not getting all the updates anymore?

One of the first “investment” I made in the coaching world was Kathrin Zenkinas course Manifestation Babe Academy. It was a significant investment (I think $3000) and I remember during the launch she made a big deal about how you get ALL updates for life. Now she’s charging $299 to do the live round and get access to the new Q&As and breath work. I just find it so wild how someone can literally charge thousands for a course and supposedly make millions off of it but then be so stingy with your past customers and nickel and dime them. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks $299 is A LOT of money. I also find it misleading we were told we would get all the updates etc but now there’s another thing to buy. She also made it sound like “MBA is all you’ll ever need to buy!” But then went on to try and sell us a money course and her manifestation reset. Anyone else in this course? How do you feel about it?