Lifeweaver changes

Hi i am a master/gm lifeweaver and i wanted to give my input on what changes i think lifeweaver needs.

Lw isn't bad how he is and doesn't need much to be where he needs to be and be perfect imo.

This is what I think he needs:

● Instant swap speed or as fast as they can make it

● After not being stood on for 3 seconds, an activated/raised petal will return to the ground and can be used again

● While on the thorns mode of his weapon a healing blossom will charge up ready for use when you swap back to healing blossom, this makes it so lw can actually deal damage without the very big risk of not being able to swap back and heal an ally in time before they die. This change MIGHT not be needed after the swap speed buff, hard to tell

● Revert pull cd to 16s like it was before it got unfairly nerfed to 19s. It is a single target ability what briefly immos ONE person for like max 1.5s at MAX distance and doesn't even cleanse and only heals for 50hp....

suzu is a 15s ability what can immo everyone in a 5m radius, cleanse any negative effect in the game, and heals for 80 or 110 if cleansing a negative effect.

Immortality drone is a 25s ability with 125hp, which in a 6.5m radius heals everyone up to 20% and immos everyone for 5.5s or until destroyed

A single target brief immo what doesn't even cleanse and barely heals should not be 6s less than a mass immo and 4s more than another mass immo what also cleanses, heals more, and has a ton more use cases.

● Make pull no-clip through the map when you pull someone. A 19s ability, what you NEED LoS to activate on someone in the first place, should not then decide to get stuck on something kill itself and get the person you just "SAVED" killed.

If you have LoS, that means there is a clear path to you from the person you want to pull. It should not then decide no that's not good enough and break.

Making it no-clip is a very easy fix to an annoying problem, which should never happen, and this fix wouldn't affect the ability in any other way, since you need LoS to activate the ability anyway it's not like you could pull people through walls.
