Where to sell my books?

Hello Lille!

Because I'm about to move a bit earlier than expected, I want to sell some of my books. Some of them novels, others architecture books... where would you suggest I go?

I've heard La Bourse aux Livres wasn't that good, and if possible, I'd rather avoid Le Bon Coin as I wouldn't be sure I could get rid of them quickly enough

thank you all! Have a nice day!

EDIT: update.

thank you all for your advice!

I've looked up Momox and La bourse aux livres apps and they had poor user experiences and seemed rarely profitable. So I've put all my books on Le bon Coin anyway and if I'm unable to sell them before I move, I'll go to the Furet or Oxfam. If you guys are interested in mostly architecture books, here are my books on Le Bon Coin

Again, thank you to all of you!