6weeks NWB now PWB (fusion surgery)

For those curious about the transition (from my perspective/situation.)

Before I had surgery and now I continuously scroll through this page and look up answers to my questions, hope for circumstances that sound similar to mine, ect. So this is me..so far..

34, over-weight, mother of two little ones. Prior to surgery I was also a smoker and a very social drinker..just being honest lol

My injury happened the beginning of September 24’. I had two X-rays that showed nothing. Finally had a standing x-ray in December that led to an MRI that confirmed a lisfranc dislocation. 2 weeks later I had a fusion surgery with four screws connecting my 1st and 2nd Metatarsals.

I did 2 weeks in a splint cast and 4 weeks in a Aircast boot NWB. I was allowed to take the boot off when resting and at night. I used a scooter to literally go from bed to bathroom and at times couch to bathroom when I was able and willing to venture up and down stairs.

On Tuesday of this week I was given the Okay to gradual weight bearing as tolerated in boot or shoe. Day 1) I definitely needed the boot and both crutches..very concerned about the longevity of what the future recovery would be. Surprised that the heel pain was more than the discomfort of the mid foot. Day 2 and 3)boot and both crutches but getting the hang of the discomfort. Today day 4) I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of discomfort and quickly dropped one of the crutches.

I know I still have a long road of recovery ahead of me. I just feeling more hopeful after starting PT today and happy to play a more active role in my recovery than just sitting and waiting.

Thankful for this group.