[Update 5] Leaving the Cult

Previous Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Living_in_Korea/comments/1gzfsbk/update_4_will_the_wisdom_of_god_protect_you_from/

TLDR: Leaving because I'm bored.

They bought me a sandwich this time, because they noticed I'm not eating much from the canteen. I can't keep at this any more. So I'm leaving. I had made up my mind during the session on Saturday itself, but I told them I'll return next week anyway, knowing fully well I have no plans of returning.

It's the same old thing over and over. Catholics Bad. Pope Bad. Yeah, I get it. You hate the Pope. Guess what? I don't care for him either. Now show me your funky rituals! But nope, we're still at the starting line. I can't take any more of this.

I haven't texted H yet, I'm thinking I'll text her on Friday. That's when she usually texts me. As I said in my first post, they are harmless, and they know nothing about me (except my name and phone number), so it's all good. I'll freak out if I see them ever again, but the odds of that happening again are really low.

My friend is going to the Mormon church today, maybe I'll get my fix from there for a change.