Nothing, and I mean nothing, makes me happier than seeing scalpers on LM fail to sell their listings for months.

Rant but I am so tired of seeing the same few scalpers for the last few years on LM demanding well over a reasonable asking price for pieces....and then they add RARE to the title as if that changes anything. Unfortunately newbies in the fashion might fall for it...but just because you put rare in the listing title does not make the piece actually rare....even if it's the only listing of that print at that particular time.

This community was built on individuals that cared for small businesses and designers. I've been buying/selling for over ten years on LM and it's made me sick to see how many people are trying to scam. I'm honestly shocked that those scalping accounts with like 50-60+ listings haven't been blocked by community moderators. Make them take their scams somewhere else??

Lol thanks for listing to my Ted talk.