What are your little Sims idiosyncrasies?
Or, idioSIMcracies, if you will? 🥁 (Thanks, I'll be here all night.)
So, as I've been getting acquainted with the game over the last few months, I've noticed that I have a habit of building perfectly symmetrical houses. So much that I kinda obsess over it in build mode, counting eeeeeach and eeeeevery little square until it's perfect.
I've also noticed that I have an affinity for names that end with A, or at least an A sound, regardless of gender: Lisa, Elijah, Koda, Ira, and so on.
As for my husband, who's played much longer than me, every Sim he's created has a hyphenated last name. Like...everybody. I asked him about it and he was just like, "Ya know? I never thought about it."
What are some little idiosyncrasies or habits that you find yourself exhibiting when you play?