Messed up deadline time and submitted Kellogg and Stanford GSB a bit late

submitted my applications to Kellogg and Stanford GSB a bit late today and wanted to see if anyone has been in a similar situation or knows how strict the deadlines are.

For Kellogg, I didn’t see any explicit time listed oj their website. I had a major work fire drill today (plus a literal one — friends/family in LA dealing with the wildfires), so I planned to submit later in the afternoon because everything was ready but I didn’t have time to do a final run through . I was browsing some sites for last minute tips when I saw that clear admit said there was a 5pm CT deadline. A couple other sites had vague info on this, but I figured I would rather be safe than sorry so I scrambled and submitted about 20 minutes late.

The northwestern scramble pushed my Stanford submission to about an hour late as well because, again, between all of the shit over the past couple days meant I was down to the wire. Not ideal, and I know I should’ve planned better, but sometimes life happens and you’re 20 minutes late on something.

My Stanford portal updated to show the Round 2 decision date, so I think it went through. Haven’t heard anything from Kellogg yet, and I’m debating calling to confirm, but I don’t want to bring attention to it if they arent worried about it - especially since the official website has no explicit time listed from what I can see.

Anyone been in this situation? Should I be concerned, or am I overthinking it?