My friend ate the whole syringe of RSO

I gifted my buddy a 1.0g syringe of Nature’s Heritage RSO because he mentioned that he wanted to try Rso and I wrongly assumed he had enough sense to at least google the dosage etc but he did not. He has a really high tolerance for THC but I’m still worried about him. Will he just pass out? How long do you think it will take for him to be somewhat sober after this? He isn’t freaking out but I assume it’s only a matter of time. I know I couldn’t handle it. He’s 32 but he’s autistic so I’m debating calling his mom to inform her just in case since he lives in her basement. Update: this is probably controversial to some but I did what I would want someone to do for me and got him enough Xanax to “fix” the dumb mistake he made.