Playing ‘24 right now is making me NOT look forward to ‘25. Talk me off the ledge…
Here in the last few weeks of ‘24 I’ve noticed some really frustrating trends: BR drafts are so bad and inconsistent (like just give the best cards at this point). There’s been an influx of causal players (some good, some bad) making matchmaking especially bad right now. (It’s hard to gauge your opponent in BR when they have no stats.) This is all exasperated by glitchy gameplay that I fear won’t really be improved in ‘25. In 3 inning games it’s far too easy for someone to win on random hits because they simply swing at everything. ‘24 was my first full diamond dynasty year and I’m curious from those who’ve played for years what to expect as far as matchmaking and facing quality opponents when the new game drops. Because if it’s how it is now, I’m concerned. Convince me otherwise, please!