We're BACK with another artist feature today: Welcome MASTER BOOT RECORD to MAGSuper 2025!!!

MBR came about in 2016 and has been steadily at work, releasing 14 albums across several labels, ultimately settling in with Metal Blade Records to release “Floppy Disk Overdrive” and “Personal Computer”, pushing their recognition to a worldwide audience. They're part of the team responsible for the point and click adventure “VirtuaVerse” released in 2020, as well as the accompanying soundtrack.

Keep your eyes on our socials and get ready for even more main stage acts and MORE over the coming weeks - and don't forget to get your badges before prices go up on November 1st at https://super.magfest.org/registration

MBR came about in 2016 and has been steadily at work, releasing 14 albums across several labels, ultimately settling in with Metal Blade Records to release “Floppy Disk Overdrive” and “Personal Computer”, pushing their recognition to a worldwide audience. They're part of the team responsible for the point and click adventure “VirtuaVerse” released in 2020, as well as the accompanying soundtrack.

Keep your eyes on our socials and get ready for even more main stage acts and MORE over the coming weeks - and don't forget to get your badges before prices go up on November 1st at https://super.magfest.org/registration