Constructive Criticism—Help Me Improve

Hi there! I feel like I’ve been in such a rut with makeup lately. Just turned 35 and I feel like what I used to think looks good on me just doesn’t land anymore. I used to feel like I could wear a winged liner or winged out eyeshadow shape all the time and now I can’t figure it out. I’ve tried big, small, thick, thin liner and they all just look weird to me. Anytime I do a winged shadow shape it looks weirdly like a comma on my eyes instead of a straight line (does that make sense). Took some photos of some makeup I thought looked good (photo 1 and 2) when I was doing it but then something feels off (mostly liner), so the third and fourth photos are after I wiped off most of the liner.

I like to wear both “natural” and “glam” makeup, but am I destined to just stay in a more natural space? I know I can wear whatever makes me happy and I really don’t care what people think of my makeup but I would like to have it look more flattering for my features. Would line any and all feedback or suggestions. Thank you in advance!