Does Zus' lattes (Cafe latte, CEO, etc.) really have above 200 calories?

I have begun to track my calories but one thing I would never be able to let go is cafe latte or its variations. I really like Zus because it actually breaks down its nutrition components for most of its drinks. But, one thing always baffles me, does its lattes really have above 200 calories?

For example, take the 12oz CEO latte. Its stated calories is 217 kcal. But it's only 12 oz or 354 ml. I just checked and 350 ml of milk only contains around 150 kcal. And I don't think it's all 350ml of milk since te 12oz still needs to accommodates the espresso shot too. I'm not sure how many shots are there in a CEO latte but it should contribute to the overall volume.

Can anyone who used to be or currently a Zus barista now shed some lights?