Trull’s hair
EDIT: it’s already been pointed out that a potion/salve was used to ensure his hair never grew back. Thanks for the reminder guys
EDIT #2: I’ve decided to paint the scene where he fights his way through the Jheck, pre-shorning. At least here my mental image holds up!
Why do I see Trull depicted as bald in most fan art? To my knowledge, he was never described as bald. I’ve been working through creating paintings of a lot of Malazan characters and I generally do a lot of research beforehand to make sure the way I’ve pictured them in my head gets updated based on all canon sources. Here’s what I’m thinking.
What Should Trull’s Hair Actually Look Like? • After the shorning: Jagged, hacked-off, uneven—not clean-shaven. His head would have patchy short hair, possibly with areas cut closer to the scalp than others. • During his journey with Onrack: Growing out but still rough, likely around 1-3 inches long—no longer freshly shorn, but not yet well-kept. • By the time he guards the empty throne with OnRack and others: maybe shoulder-length but unkempt, regaining his pre-exile appearance, though still weathered from his travels.