Please treat artists better. (This doesn't apply to Mikey himself)
What's the point of putting effort into posts if nobody cares? Everyone hates the "like so Mikey can see" and "Katie please notice me" but I don't blame people for begging them to see their art if it seems like they're one of the few people in this sub who actually seem to respect artists for their art regardless of skill level or frequency of posting or anything like that.
Of course, there's always exceptions, some people here are amazing to artists, I try to be part of the exception, but in a sea of typical the exception can so easily drown.
I know that some artist have a great experience here, I know there are exceptions to every statement, I just know what I've personally experienced and have heard others say. I know that I hate posting my art here now and probably will for as long as nothing changes and I might not be the only one.