This is how sneaky manipulation can be.

More of a vent or get it off my chest, but thoughts are always welcome.

Tl:dr My gf (48f) and I (51m) have were together almost 11 years. I was easily manipulated into the relationship and it hasn’t stopped throughout. I’ve allowed myself to be ran over and it’s been hard getting myself back.

We met 12 years ago in a super odd way. A friend I went to school with suggested I see her for a tarot reading for help getting through a pending divorce. The odd part, I moved away after graduation and the friend knew this woman’s husband who lived in the same area I moved from til they also moved to the area I moved to. So I went.

The reading was sort of relevant, it hit on some things and was off on others. The part I remember most is; it was foretold that the woman I would spend my life with would be someone I knew, not someone I would meet. I was still in the early part of my separation and heavily self medicating the hurts from that. I was in no way thinking about another relationship. I blew it off as not relevant. I think this is where she attached herself to me.

Over the next year and a half or so she and I became friends of sorts. I’d go to her and her husband’s house, hang out and drink, play with their kids… the things. Eventually she would start coming to the bar I was working at and leaving her husband at home and crashing on my couch. This is when I started trying to pull away. She gripped tighter.

I was seeking validation and approval from anywhere I could find it as part of my self medicating; it was hooking up whenever possible, drinking and spending. One night she caught me with just enough alcohol in me to not stop her and we hooked up. She says that’s when she fell in love with me.

Eventually her husband found out. He told her he didn’t want me around anymore. I tried to respect that and walk away again. We went a short time no contact before she texted me from a new phone number. Of course, I was intoxicated and allowed the conversation to continue. When her husband found out we were talking again, he packed up their kids and left her.

From where he moved, he called me and basically begged me to let her stay with me for a couple weeks until she was able to leave state to stay with a friend. I felt guilty for my part of their separation and ultimately agreed to let her stay for a couple of weeks.

By this time, my divorce had been finalized and was living back in my marital home and trying to get my life together. I was working 7 days a week trying to dig myself out of the hole I created but still drinking too much. She never went away.

Over the next 5 or 6 years I was able to get through some legal issues from the spiteful ex-wife, save the house from foreclosure, get out of the financial hole I had dug and was starting to build the desire to control my drinking. All while mostly supporting her, for a time we had her kids too. She had lost her license to a DUI in this time and was job hopping with spans of time between jobs. I felt trapped.

I kicked her out a few times over our time together. She’d couch surf at some new friend’s house until they kicked her out. I’d inevitably be convinced to let her come back. There was a lot of guilt rolling inside of me. My ex-wife named me Captain Save A Hoe at some point to my now adult kids.

The last time I kicked her out (about 5 years ago) she had a job, rented a house but still hadn’t got her license back. She would call me for a ride to work. I wanted her to succeed because I didn’t want her to come back, but I was still unable to stay no contact. So I’d help her out. After a few months, she was unable to pay a power bill. I paid it. Then it became I was paying half of her rent. I told myself it was better than her moving back in with me.

After a few months we were back to spending time together and getting closer again. Things felt like they were better and I was tired of putting several hundred dollars a month into her household. I suggested she move back in with me.

A few months later, pandemic… and we ended up with 3 of her kids with us. She was still unlicensed, still mostly dependent on me but was working to buy her smoke, smokes, wine and Amazon.

Two years ago we tried couples therapy. She made a few sessions but ultimately quit because she felt like the therapist and I were ganging up on her. I continued with individual therapy for several months until money got tight. I’ve been working on myself and recently quit drinking. 5 weeks sober.

Through all of our fights and break ups I’d hear things like “You’ll never find someone to love you like I do.” or “You’re so shallow.” When I’d bring up issues with being frustrated with being the only one cleaning the house. If I’d come to her to talk about any issue there would be some kind of comment like, “You have an issue with it, you fix it.” Our fights always stemmed around drinking, marijuana, her not working, her not trying to get her license or her and her kids not cleaning behind themselves.

A month ago I sat down and told her this wasn’t working for me anymore. I felt disrespected, uncomfortable in my own home, and like I’m being used. I told her I was frustrated and resentful. Our intimacy is dead. Sex is dead. Yeah, they’re not always the same thing. We don’t talk. Anytime she is not working or sleeping she’s on her phone on TikTok. She’s usually drinking and trying to pressure me to drink with her.

I gave her a list of things I needed to keep going forward with her. Things like more time together without alcohol or TikTok, help keeping the house clean, for her to get her license straight, help holding her kids still living with us accountable, stop pressuring me to drink with her and be more financially responsible. I asked her to take a couple days and come up with some things she needs from me to help her be happy.

3 weeks later I asked her if she had thought about things and if she was ready to have that conversation. She had not put any effort into it, claiming this is just my pattern and she’ll wait until I’m over it. I told her she’d be wise to take me serious this time and I’d come back to her in a few days.

A week later she still had not put any effort into any of it. She wasn’t doing anything different, she didn’t have any input on things she needs from me. I told her she needed to start figuring out an exit plan because I was breaking up with her. That sounds so high school!

She told me she isn’t going anywhere, that if I made her leave she would share all my secrets and ruin my image because she knows that’s what’s most important to me. Here I am, still doing all the little things I have been doing for her; setting her coffee, making her cup of coffee before work, doing the laundry and putting hers away, feet rubs when she asks, being her Uber. I did stop laying her clothes out.

I’m a grown man and ask myself what is wrong with me? Why do I keep letting her use me, why do I keep trying to avoid conflict? I’ve done the work, connected the dots to where all of this comes from. I struggle with changing the behavior. These are all ultimately choices I made over the years, I’m to blame for allowing myself to be treated this way. I know that.

How do I stand up for myself and not let the guilt take over? I already feel myself asking myself is it really that bad? Is her drinking almost every day really that bad? Is her not stopping weed so she can get her license back really a big deal? Is her not cleaning anything and her clutter really worth all of this? Wouldn’t it just be easier to sink back inside myself and let things ride?