all maretu songs with explicitly pronounced english words

SIU - SUCK IT UP(at the beginning, after choruses) and This, is, life, WOW!(pre-choruses)

New Darling - Play me (at the beginning)

Last day - Le-le-le-le-let's go! (beginning and inbetween some lyrics)

Dokuhaku - I do not seek, I find (late beginning and after first chorus)

Suji - WHAT THE HELL (reoccurs)

Scrumize - HOW DID I LET THIS SXXT HAPPEN? (beginning and after pre-last chorus)

I'm High - I'M HIGH!!(after choruses) and STOP!(beginning)

Maegamist - Do you like me?(in the beginning, after choruses) and Do you love me?(end)

Mind Brand - WELCOME TO THE MIND FXXK (reoccurs)

Dance of Life - Le-le-le-le-let's dance!

Meaning of Life - all Gumi lines

Miseenen - 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4! (reoccurs)

Packet Hero - IT'S NOT FXXKING FUNNY!(beginning)

Tehamint - pollution/revolution/education/domination and you are separated (separated) (in choruses)

Toutetsu - KILL ME

Pink - WOW!! (i don't think this counts due to being a sound but whatever.)

Angel92 - Try me!! (end)

Taste of a Cockroach - May you have a good day(beginning) Of course!(pre last chorus) The whole thing I think is sick (end)

feel free to add more