My husband lied to me about this the entire relationship…I found out 6 years later? Am I wrong for being upset?

So when saying my husband (37m) told me (32f)he had only one girlfriend he was serious about before me and when saying and engaged he mentioned they never did anything sexually.

Well 6 years later I just found out he lied about that. I’m furious. I know it’s in the past and it was before me but why would you lie about having a sexual relationship with her. I did kind of force the answer out of him to tell me the names of his previous sexual partners but I wasn’t expecting him to say her name. And before he finally said it he literally said nothing happens between us she was just the first girl I was serious with before you.

I have very mixed emotions about this. Why would you lie about that? And lie about it multiple times and right before finally admitting it. Am I wrong for this reaction?