Need advice
Hello.a little long sorry. I have this nagging feeling about my wife (45) me (43)that it's always there. We have 3 kids.11/13/17. Lets start by saying that she shows me lots of love and Is very intimate with me, we do the thing very often.We go out as family have fun she is caring and loving mother. But on the other hand there's some instances that I have noticed that I had have a real conversation about. The things that nag me is
One time we were in front porch and my neighbor (male) was washing the car in the driveway and I was sitting in a chair, wife was gardening 8n front of me but her back was facing towards the neighbor. She was wearing shorts and just bending over and I realized that she might be showing her but to him. I pulled her aside and told her what are you doing? Why bend over and show you but like that. She said sorrybutI wasn't doing anything on purpose. We had a big argument and I still don't like what she did to this day
Second incident. She started this job front desk at physio,chiro,massage Clinic. I noticed she was starting to do heavy make up and curl her hair. There was a chiropractor there working a married man with kids. I told her what's with heavy make up and curling od the hair? And she would also wear very skinny underwear the reason was that she didn't want the line in the pants to visible. This thing coupled with that guy working there got me worried and always had a fight with her. Her claiming that I don't trust her and all. Mind you she is very affectionate with me and always shows me love but somthing about these events
3 one tine a guy she used to work with I know him, opened his own company and asked my wife if she wants a job and they can meet a coffe shop to discuss the job details and hiring. She told me about that and me because I trust her I said yeah sure go and discuss. But to this day i feel like why would she go there with another married man just by herself for cofee. I think no.matter the circumstances she should have refused to go. So that also is on my mind all the time
- Another incident is when she started Another job and there was a guy mentoring her because he was about to retire in a year but I noticed in their work text this guy was trying to hard to be nice and playful with her One time he bought my wife a virtual gift card and she said to him thanks I will share it with the rest of the team. Her reasons to accept it so not to be rude but still I'm mad she accepted it. She should not accept things from a guy that you could see wants advances Sometimes they talked on teams because of work but some conversations were like 1hr long. And that bothers me and she always says,it's nothing,it's just work and you never trust me and we get into a huge fight. These are some of incidents that I could fit here. Thanks for reading, please advise me