My husband wants kids but I don’t

I (26F) & my husband (27M) have been together for 7 years married for 2. We are not trying to have kids right now or anything. I’ve alwayssssss been a fence sitter- prior to marriage we had this conversation but he thought I would eventually sway to wanting to have kids but in more recent times, I’ve made a more serious decision against it some of my reasons for not wanting kids:

  1. Current state of the world
  2. Majority of domestic labor when it relates to kids fall on the mother (I just don’t want to do THAT)
  3. I love my current life as it is. Just us.

His perspective is: 1. Wants to past down genes (we are nobody special) 2. He’s always wanted kids 3. He thinks I’m only thinking about the negative.

I told him I would understand if he wanted to have kids and we end up divorcing so that he can get to live out a life experience but he said he didn’t want to do that but after the conversation he seemed extremely upset/sad about the previous conversation… I don’t know what to do…

Adding info:

1 I’ve always been a fence sitter and was always open about that. By fence sitter, I mean I was leaning more to no v yes and HE KNOWS THIS. HE literally said he thought I would change my mind and he didn’t. ANYONE that knows me KNOWS this, ppl literally stopped asking when I was going to have kids

  1. Yall saying my reasoning is “stupid” it’s MY reason to not want to be a parent there’s never going to be ANY “good” enough reason for yall but it’s M I N E. Hell GENES aren’t either bffr 😑 and like I stated I would NEVER want to bring a CHILD into this world and REGRET/resent them just to make him happy- that is SHITTY asf!

3 what I mean by the “just us” reasoning, we live our lives accordingly. We are v much happy together and after almost 8 years we are still in the honeymoon phase, we can’t get enough of each other, we travel when we get ready, go out when we get bored, sleep in late if we want, we are living life OUR way & we both love that right now. - He doesn’t want kids RIGHT now right now but it is a future thing for him.