My husband hits me

Me and my husband got married for 7 months now. We’re going through a rough time since I had a miscarriage with out first baby a week ago.

We were fighting at that time because he doesn’t consider my feelings at all then he decided to hit me because im being too loud and that time I bled and the Doctor said the baby doesn’t have heartbeat anymore.

A week has passed and he still has the same temper. I tried to let him go once and he stayed outside my house until morning and Ive decided to let him rest since my conscience couldn’t take it.

Tonight, I was feeling so down because of what happened to our baby and im still feeling a bit unwell because there are blood clots left inside me because of the pregnancy so I’m still hurting. I needed him but again he tried to shut it down and decided to not give a shit about it so I got mad. He started hurting me again..

What should I do? Should I try to be with him again and fix our marriage?


Im from the Philippines where divorce is not a thing as we are a Christian community and theres “Annulment” where I have to spend a lot of money which I don’t have.

I will file a police report and get a medical report ASAP.

I appreciate all of you. Thank you.

Some of you say “Why did I stayed?”. At first I was talked out by his parents saying we need to save our marriage. I thought we could save it and get on with out lives. I was wrong.