Anyone stop cleaning their house? I can’t do this anymore.

My husband does not clean. He will ONLY clean for one day when I lose my mind. Then after that it’s back to not cleaning. I get upset with him and he mocks me. “You’re such a martyr”, “I forgot you are the queen of cleaning and nobody can keep up with you”, “I’d help more if you didn’t overreact”. I asked him today why it wouldn’t make me mad that I have to clean his actual shit out of the toilet and piss off the floor… and the fact he’s known I have had to do this for years… his response, in a sarcastic tone, “I guess I just want to add more to what you already have to do.” I was so mad I threw my drink at the ground and walked away. Now he’s mocking me for that calling me a child that throws temper tantrums. When he says he helps me clean I always tell him to stop looking at it like helping me and just stuff that needs to be done. Now he mocks me and says “trigger word warning”. I’m losing my mind.

I work just as much as him. We have young children (our kids are with their grandparents this weekend, this did not happen in front of them), I have to plan every single day for this family ON TOP OF worry about an entire house. I am done. I’m not cleaning anymore. My mom told me all that is going to do is make it so I have bigger messes to clean at the end of the week.

Apparently I am the only one that cares about a clean house, am not appreciated, and not taken seriously. I’m just done cleaning. I will clean up after myself. My kids will continue to do their chores. But laundry (the ENTIRE process of gathering, washing, drying, folding, PUTTING AWAY)? Taking out garbage? Scrubbing down bathrooms? Washing dishes? Vacuuming? Dusting? Cleaning windows? Sweeping and mopping? Making beds? Waking up early on Saturday mornings to get as much as I can before everyone wakes up so we can have a good day? I’m done.

I don’t want to approach my husband with kids gloves because if he doesn’t have a natural instinct to clean then he needs to talk to someone. Any of this, “it makes me upset when you don’t throw your garbage in the garbage bag and leave it on the floor,” “I don’t feel appreciated when I need to clean your piss off the floor”, “I feel taken advantage of when I have to take your dirty socks out of the couch to wash them”. Like come the fuck on. He is an adult. He knows what needs to be, just doesn’t do it.

Sorry this was so long and thank you if you read this all. I will be drinking wine and catching up on trashy reality TV the rest of the day.