Need advice-politics are killing us...

Anyone else married to an "independent" who doesn't support Trump but thinks they (me) overreact to all the shit that's happening right now? Because I'm dying here. My marriage may not survive another month of this-nevermind 4 yrs. We barely squeaked by the last time Trump was president.

Update- I appreciate all the clarify we've been together for 30 yrs. He voted for Trump the 1st time but didn't vote this time. He thinks Trump is an a-hole BUT thinks that BOTH sides are problematic. He thinks that I am "extremely" left while he sees himself in the middle. (He wanted to see Liz Cheney run.) He tends to be financially conservative but falls more liberalism for social issues. He's very Pro-Choice.

For those talking about divorce- I know that I mentioned it in my original comment but it was in frustration and jest. After 30 yrs and 2 kids together I'll be damned if I let that orange shit stain ruin us. Like many of you I've taken a big step back from following his antics. I don't want the annoyance or high blood pressure AND I have enough gray hairs as it is 😁.