People pleaser

Being a people pleaser is destroying my marriage.

I have always wanted to be the perfect kid growing up, especially being an only child. My mom always told me how I was her everything and to make sure I did everything right. I therefore did not want to disappoint her or my dad. I took pride in making sure i “was perfect “, even with friends and coworkers I always wanted to say the right thing, do the right thing.

Didn’t date until college, finished and went straight to do my masters.

Then I got married, never questioned my husband in his decision making, agreed with everything he said, I always wanted to do and say the right things to make him happy, if he was happy, i was happy…. Then I realized I grew older and realized I had put up with so much, I have been taken for granted, now I speak up.

My husband considers me as speaking up disrespect, i’m being too controversial , etc. we are in constant disagreement.

Rant over